Do you know one of the best things about writing this blog? I love checking the daily stats to see how many times its been read and where in the world the people are from and so far I have had people from Australia, USA, NZ, France, UAE, UK, Cambodia and Norway and its had 639 page views. How frikken cool is that! I'm pretty chuffed, little golf clap for me.
I clicked on Marys Go Fund me page earlier tonight and she has just ticked over $18,000.00 in donations from 132 people which, leaves around $52,000.00 to go to make it to Moscow. Its must be very daunting for Mary when she sees how much money is needed to get her there but you know what its a bit like that joke;
Q "How do you eat an elephant"?
A "One bite at a time"
So one dollar at a time and we are there. That means we need to find 52,000 people who are all happy to donate $1 each, surely thats not too difficult is it? I don't suppose any one has any connections with Today Tonight do they? Lets get some publicity going on here people.
Dilema number 1 for February........ Its my nephew Toms 29th birthday on Friday and he's going into BrisVegas to the pub and we've been invited to PARTAY ---- I'm pretty sure he's not going for the food either it will be all about the booze and frivolity and he's a funny bugger so it will be a really really really fun night but I think I'm going to send Adam on his own because its easier to say no to an alcoholic bevvy at this stage when I'm sitting on my bum on my lounge in my house! Maybe a double challenge is in order, like some one dare me to go PARTAY but I can't drink and if I succeed, said person donates to Mary. Bloody Hell, I'm full of good ideas tonight. Go on someone dare me, I dare you!
Cheers xx
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