Saturday, 14 February 2015

Living in Paradise

How good is family?  I love mine even if they are all just a little on the crazy side.  They are honest, caring and undeniable the best family I could hope for.  I have had a fabulous weekend without booze enjoying time with my husband, my parents, my sister and good quality time with my children and nephews.  I laughed hysterically whilst climbing trees with my sister, had to discipline my son and my nephew for telling lies to get out of trouble for spending money at the shop on lollies when they knew they weren't allowed to and feeling my heart swell with happiness as we all (including the dog) walked along the beach this morning.  I am very grateful for such a beautiful life which is filled with wonderful people who mean the world to me.    Who needs alcohol when we are living in Paradise!

Sunday is usually my afternoon where I get together with my awesome friend to sort out our week of car pooling.  It is usually done very ceremoniously over a bottle of cold Sav Blanc whilst jotting down in our diaries the weeks planning for our children with school drop offs, trampoline training, run club, band practise and of course our own work rosters.  You can see why we need a bottle of Sav Blanc now can't you?  But today is different, no wine! Not even a glass of water or cup of coffee. We managed to get through it pretty quick today because she had book club to get to and a bottle of chardonnay to drink (lucky girl).  We did however put in the diary for Sunday the 1st of March to have a cold bottle of bubbles to celebrate my sobriety whilst sorting out our calenders. 

I've realised over the last two weeks just how much I have relied on and enjoyed alcohol and I have no doubt that once the month is over I will go back to enjoying a drink but I do believe that I will have more control over when I drink and I will not let it creep back into my life as an every day treat.  I will only drink on weekends and maybe not every weekend either.  I know that I will still need to show restraint and be strong and believe that there is more to life than drinking.  Its so easy to reason with myself as to why its OK but in fact on the weekends when I'm drinking I have less time for my kids which I've just realised and that makes me a little sad.   Last night we sat on the couch;  me, my sister, my mother and my husband with all of our children watching u-tube videos and old Michael Jackson film clips "giving our kids an education" my sister said.  It was lots of fun believe it or not, lots of giggles and the kids were involved and interacting.  If alcohol were present in the evenings proceedings then I dare say the kids would have been shooed off to bed whilst we sat out side drinking and talking shit!  So I prefer the first option of u-tube, kids and chocolate.  Much more wholesome. 

So I survived my second weekend, and I know I only have one more full weekend of sobriety to go before I can re-commence my addiction.  Will I be strong enough to be a better person and drink less?  I sure hope so.  I think so.  I better learn to meditate.  I've started chanting but I'll tell you more about that another day.

I hope you all enjoyed Mary's Blog, isn't she gorgeous? Although she made me sound like an exhibitionist back in the day which, truth be told I probably was, maybe I still am a little bit but hey, I'm not hurting anyone and whats wrong with being naked any way? 

Enjoy week 3.  I've got to go and play Star Wars Monopoly with my boys.

Cheers xx

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